Welcome to TheClownNews.Blogspot.com, The Official Blog For Scrubo Productions and Scrubo The Clown. Here you will find news of Machinima's I have stared in, as well as great Machinima's that I have discovered, plus it's the only source of information on any of the Choice Machinima Series'

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I got a new 360.....

I learned more about Windows Movie Maker....

I figured out some cool things in Audacity......

I enjoyed using my Turtle Beach X1's for halo...in more than one way...

And what do I have to show for it?


Monday, August 11, 2008


So....my laptop works, and it captures....now I am just searching for some nice software, and learning how to use what I have....

In slightly-more-related news, I think I am ready to start some filming....-goes to turn on 360.......little red light starts to flash- Oh shit! That's right, I forgot that my FUCKING XBOX IS NOT WORKING!!!!

I don't have the three red rings, I just have one, puny insignificant ring, coupled w/ error 74 which equals pain in the ass just LIKE the red rings....Basically, the error is caused when a chip that reads the A/V cable comes loose, or when the A/V cable fucks up....I would LOVE to assume it is the latter, but most LIKELY, it is the former...so in other words, I can't even get out a fucking TEASER any time soon....although, there is always another way, but mooching off my friends can wait for a little while.....

So for now, I have NOTHING to offer.....god, this pisses me off >:(

Some good news to leave you off with....I am going on vacation today and won't be back until the 18th....

Some bad news to negate the good news before you go......This vacation means all xbox fixing plans are 7 days later than they could be........


-Scrubo The Clown