Welcome to TheClownNews.Blogspot.com, The Official Blog For Scrubo Productions and Scrubo The Clown. Here you will find news of Machinima's I have stared in, as well as great Machinima's that I have discovered, plus it's the only source of information on any of the Choice Machinima Series'

Monday, February 1, 2010

Let me guess why your here...

Hello, all of you.

I'm assuming, regardless of what they say, that you are here because you saw my latest video, a trailer for my Choice Machinima Series....what's that? You have no idea what I'm talking about?! Well then, Click Here and go get educated...

Ok, so now I'm assuming the rest of you have seen it...so why are you here? Information? SURE, I can give you that...

So, if the trailer wasn't clear, I have come up with a new concept on a way to create and watch Machinima. I know for a fact that I have watched many different Machinima in my time, and for some of them I feel like the direction the plot took wasn't that great, or it was something I didn't care for. Depending on the series, I loose interest this way. If the story is what you are watching it for, then when the story does something you don't like, you can become quite disinterested. Couple that with the attention span that is average on the internet (which is short, i'm guessing....maybe i'm prejudice because I have a short attention span...well, whate...SHINY) and there goes a series.

So what sort of gimmicks could one use to keep viewers coming back? Well, you could use popular jokes that worked once, but then it all becomes stale due to repetition. One could try to make it dynamic, pushing the envelope and do something none have attempted, but that isn't as easy as it sounds. Or, you could give the video or series some sort of interactivity, that way people come back because they have something to do...whatever that might be.

Obviously, the Choice Machinimas (because I have at least 2 series to do this way, and it's not going to stop there) are using the last example. I have to admit, however, that I got the Idea from Tim Buckley, the creator of Ctrl Alt Del. He ran a storyline in which people could make a choice, and it would direct the story to one of a few different outcomes. This worked nicely in my honest opinion, and while I was always too lazy too vote, I enjoyed watching user input influence the media I was reading. It clocked in at a total 13 pages (not including the title page) and was enjoyable.

As far as the Choice Machinimas go, I won't be applying the same rules. And I can't let the first one go crazy with input, as I need to work this thing out. So, within the next few weeks, there will be another trailer coming out, but this one will be for one of my series singularly, and then the pilot episode should be out by mid-march. Now, I do plan on having user input in the first episode, so there will most likely be a poll or something coming out soon. More info to come on that soon. If you like the idea and want to participate, by all means keep an eye on this blog. Also, tell your friends or random passerby on the street who don't seem to have a concealed weapon...they aren't too scary, I assure you.

I'm going to need people for this, so in all seriousness, spread the word if you can.

-Scrubo The Clown